ASPIRA. of New Jersey (ASPIRA), in partnership with the Newark Public Schools' Extended Learning Time department (NPS) completed another success summer programming session for 2020. Although the programming was launched online, engagement with students across the district was well received by students and their families.
The morning core academic classes were taught and supported by NPS teachers and staff. The afternoon enrichment sessions were delivered by NPS teachers and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs). NPS liaison Larry Sullivan, along with ASPIRA staff members Soledad Aguilar and Luinis Sosa, overseen two classes, five days a week. Each session was for 45 minutes and students were able to select from selected STEAM based courses. Parents and guardians were deeply appreciative of the program and recognized that that the their students were engaged and challenged by the programming.
Although the summer is ending, stay tuned for more information regarding our online offerings for students throughout the school year.